Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition - Images of the Fair
About was created and has been online since 1997. It remains an ongoing task and is still under construction. A great deal of new and interesting material has turned up over the years - just a fraction of what is extant.
I maintain it for the pleasure of the task and all those who enjoy it. I add captions, but the primary communication is through images - photographs, lithographic art, and other two-dimensional items that can speak for themselves and convey something of the experience of attending the fair.
The AYPE was made possible by civic leaders, professors, politicians, artisans, performers, citizens, laborers, native peoples, and many others who came together to create it. is dedicated, however, to each of us, the readers, in the hope that it will help us to better enjoy and appreciate the gift that was given us. If it to helps to inspire the best of the AYPE spirit in our present time, the continuing renewal and creativity of our region will be the better for it.
Students, teachers, and any interested are encouraged to use as source material for classroom and private use. Publication is also encouraged, but please notify me and credit If needed, higher-quality imaging is available as time and circumstances permit.
I enjoy discussing the AYPE and all the American expos to the extent that I am able. Please write or call as I enjoy the conversations very much. For me, the personal purpose and pleasure of this site, beyond sharing with others, is the chance to see and learn more.
I have some knowledge about AYPE material, particularly paper ephemera, and I am happy to try to identify or authenticate any AYPE material that you may have questions about at no obligation whatsoever. Despite the '.com' domain, is a non-commercial, non-profit site.